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World War II KV-1 Heavy Tank

Kliment Voroshilov or KV-1 is a post WWI era heavy tank manufactured in soviet union. More than 5,200 units were produced during 1939-1943 era. KV-1 served in many WWII battles with a good combat history and a victory record.

Development of KV-1

The KV- 1’s primary artillery was the 76.2 mm F- 34, and it also had three DTM7.62 mm machine ordnance. In 1939, construction began. The KV- 1 was the world’s most effective heavy tank, outperforming all other heavy tanks.

The W-2-K diesel machine could reach a top speed of 29 kilometers per hour. Ninety mm thick was the anterior armour. The KV- 1 also had a five-person crew; the system’s overall weight was around kg, with a total length of 6.2 meters.

It has a torsion bar suspense system and a five-speed forward and one-speed rear transmission. The early KV- 1s had a low position of trustability due to colorful problems. The suspense and transmission systems might affect mechanical failure and vehicle immobilization.

torsion bar suspenseTorsion bar suspense system used in KV-1 system

Torsion bar suspense system used in KV1

Modifications of KV-1

The first KV1 had a turret with 76.2 mm and a 45 mm cannon and a machine gun in the housing. The KV was rushed to the front with the onset of the Winter War but replaced only a 45 mm machine gun with a 7.62 mm machine gun and added another machine gun in the reverse of the turret to cover the tank from the army attacks.

The 76.2 mm L- 11 tank cannon was upgraded with the new 7.62 mm F- 32 guns near the end of 1940, performing in the KV- 1 or Model 1940. The KV- 1A is another name for this type.


M1942 Field Gun Same gun used in KV-1

In 1940, in response to German intelligence, they decided to beef up the armour of the KV- 1; the housing and turret were corroborated with further extraordinary armour plates. The KV- 1e has come born from this bettered KV. This came the number one get the 76.2 mm ZiS- 5 cannon, known as the KV- 1B, within the simplified title for the KV series variants.

The KV-1C (Model 1941)

The KV-1 was also over- armored in 1941, with a complete cast turret and armour around 120 mm thick. The KV- 1C used a modified interpretation of the 76.2 mm F- 34 tank gun, the 76.2 mm ZiS- 5 tank gun, designed to fit the KV- 1C( Model 1941) cast turret better.

KV 1 C Tank

KV 1 C Tank

These Main Tank ordnance outperformed the aged F-32 and the 76.2 mm L/ 11 from the Leningrad Kirov Factory. Another variation, the KV- 1S, was introduced in 1942 with one crucial difference it was mainly lighter due to removing much of its armour.

KV 1 S Tank

KV 1 S Tank

In reality, the S in KV- 1S stands for speed. Made a complete of a thousand. The KV- 1 collection also has a flame-throwing interpretation called the KV- 8. Except for the addition of a flamethrower, it’s extensively essential, as the unique platform, in discrepancy to the KV- 2. The KV- 2 came with a vastly upgraded KV- 1 nobility tone-propelled gun that noticed confined action. (2) It’s also worth noting that sure KV- 1s captured through German forces were given a German anti-tank gun to modernize the unique Soviet ordnance and have been renamed Panzerkampfwagen KV- IA 753( r) as a result.

KV 8 Flamethrower Tank

KV 8 Flamethrower Tank

The KV- 1 is a league 5 Soviet heavy tank

The KV1 construction began towards the top of 1938. In August 1939, they created an illustration. The vehicle saw a battle for the primary time in December 1939 on the Mannerheim Line. From March 1940 to August 1942, the tank was plant-made in giant figures, with vehicles created.

In the T- 28 medium tank, utmost new players can notice the KV- 1’s enjoying different from what they are used to. It’s slow and not especially elegant, equipped with the applicable 76 mm ZiS- 5. The 57 mm Project 413 is also a fantastic choice for a heart rate and tight penetration. The KV- 1 with the 122 mm-11 cannon firing HE shells is delightful to play; still, don’t anticipate negotiating a commodity once you’re within the thick of effects.

T-28 Medium Tank

T-28 Medium Tank

It’s one among the tanks that green gamers should learn how to kill presto because of its susceptible places blockish degree participated with the aid of using occasion capacity unit vehicles. The flat plate underneath the turret and the dropped plate underneath the nearly slanting vicinity blockish degree susceptible anterior spots, and pellets to the side and reverse can habitually access the flat 60 mm armour.

History of KV-1

During the 1939 Winter War with the Republic of Finland, the primary kilovolt order significant tank appeared.

The kV( Klimenti Voroshilov) was initially developed in the solar timetable month of 1939 and completed and tested by September 1939. The Red Army held 639 KV- 1 tank once the German violence began, and the Germans unreliableness permitted them to go down. Replaced the F- 32 guns in July 1941 with a seventy-six recruit. By 1942, the kV set on utmost specialized issues continued to rattle off the assembly lines in ever-adding figures.

When the Soviets discovered that they could make more effective heavy tanks, they halted the production of tanks in 1943, leading to the development of the Iosif Stalin series of heavy tanks.

KV-1 Variations

The Soviet KV- 1 was first used in 1939 and has experienced numerous variations. Model 1941were equipped with ZIS- 5 gun, pierce the armour of ultramodern German tanks, following the Nazi German irruption of the Soviet Union in June 1941. The welded turret on early manufacturing variants had armour up to 75 mm thick. They hung tough in fierce fighting with German armour, contributing to the Soviet resistance that would ultimately turn the tables and push back the German advance.

ZIS 5 76 mm Gun

ZIS 5 76 mm Gun

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T-54 / T-55 Medium tank USSR | Most popular tank in the history

T-54/55 is one of the most successful tank projects in the history of armored vehicle engineering. Started the service in 1947 in USSR, and even today, some countries are using T-55 tank variants as their main battle tank. Within the 75 years of T-54/55 history, more than 100,000 tanks entered the service.

T-54/55 first entered the service as a medium tank and served under many handlers including world superpowers Russia, China, and India. By the time of its first design T54 was the most advanced tank in the world. The capability to move and operate underwater, operate under nuclear and biological hazard environments, and night vision-like features were a new experience for the handlers in the late 1940’s.

History of T-54 and T-55 Tanks

In 1945 a prototype medium tank was completed in Nizhny Tagil city of Sverdlovsk Oblast state. The t-54 prototype was built as a successor to the T-34 and T-44 tanks. The t-34 tank was extremely successful during the world war II era.

It was known as the best tank in the world at the time. T-34 was a very balanced design with good firepower, good armor, and better mobility. Some versions of T-34 only cost 130,000 rubles. This amount is equal to 43,000 USD in today’s money.


T-34 Predecessor of T-54

T-34 Predecessor of T-54

The initial production of T54 tank began in 1947. After reaching the battle field, many issues were identified in the initial model. Even with a better armour and gunpowder, T-54 tank was not mush popular during 1950’s. T34-85 was very successful even during the 50’s and remained as the main battle tank for a long time.

Later in 1950’s T-54 tank was chosen as the main battle tank by USSR and Warsaw pact nations.

Why T54 was developed?

When T34-85 was extremely successful why did Soviet engineers decide to develop the T54 tank? The reason was that T34 was built purely with WWII-era technology. During the WW and right after the victory Soviet engineers uncovered many new technologies for tank development.

But, these technologies were not introduced to the T34 design during the world war because a new design may have slowed down the production process during war times.

As a result, the Soviet engineers completed the T-34M prototype design and released the newly developed tank as T-44. T-44 had the almost same performance as the T-34 but a better gun and heavier armor was provided to the new tank.


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T-34 vs T-54

The main change is the gun. 76.2mm F-34 gun in the T34 was replaced with a 100mm D-10T rifled gun with a fume extractor.The 100mm gun was capable of firing BR-412 series armour piercing high explosive ammunition at a  1000 m/s muzzle velocity.

This APHE was highly effective against enemy armour and the penetration ability was very high. This is one of the main reasons to shift from T34 to T54.

APHE Ammunition

APHE Ammunition

T54 is heavier and larger than the T34 tank. But, both the tanks are equipped with same amount of power. A V12 38.8L engine was able to output 500hp. While the T34

T-44 in to T54

The soviet engineers tried to improve the T44 tank further. Many prototypes were built by combining better armament and armour. In 1945 a T44 was redesigned with a 100mm gun and slightly wider body and a large turret. This prototype later entered the service as T54.

A record 1,490 modifications were made to the T44 tank to develop the T54 tank. As a result new facilities were required for the manufacturing of new T54 tank.

T-54 Tank variants

It is difficult to define how many variants of T54/55 tank entered the service. For the last 75 years T54 served in all major battles in the world under many different armies. Many local improvements were made during the time and country specific variants were designed. This section of the article only mention the major serial production tanks variants.

T-54 is the initial prototype variant of the tank series. Next the second prototype was introduced as T-54-1. T-54-1 is the first serial production version.

85mm F34 Feild gun

85mm F34 Feild gun

T-44 was in service for more than 20 years but during the time period only 1,800 tanks were manufactured. The first T44 tanks had similar design as T34 and used a 85 mm anti tank gun as the main armament. In later versions a 100mm canon was installed in T-44 tanks.


T-54-1 was developed from the second T54 prototype in 1948. Comparing to the initial version it has a thicker hull armour.  However, some design failures were noticed during the production and the soviet army instructed to halt the production process.  As a result a improved version T-34-2 was designed.

T-54-1 Tank

T-54-1 Tank


T-54-2 or Ob’yekt 137R entered serial production in 1949. Most significant changes are made to the turret in the new design. The new turret had a dome shape and the sides of the turret are flat like what it is in IS-3 tank. This dome shaped design was continued to appear in the later T54 versions with slight changes.

Other notable improvements are,

  • Fender machine guns replaced with Single bow mounted gun
  • Improved transmission system was installed
  • The track was replaced with a wider (0.58m) new track
  • T-54-2 Tank

    T-54-2 Tank


Just two years after the development of T-54-2 tank, the second modernized variant T-54-3 was designed. It was designated by the soviet army as Ob’yekt 137Sh. The most noticeable improvements are,

  • Newly designed turret
  • New improved telescopic gunners sight
T-54-3 Tank

T-54-3 Tank

T-54A Tank

In 1953 the designer of T-54 tank was replaced by Lenoid N Kartsev. Kartsev was given new set of tasks to significantly improve modern capabilities of the T54 tank. As his first task a new 100mm D-10TG gun with STP-1 vertical stabilizer was installed to the T54 tank. This first design was designated as Ob’yekt 137G or T-54A. The initial version  had a muzzle counter weight installed in the barrel. This system was later replaced with modern fume extractor. Fume extractors are devices used to remove lingering gases and other airborne particles which are released when the gun is fired.

D-10 100mm Field Gun

D-10 100mm Field Gun

T-54A was installed with a IR flash light. This IR light provided night vision for the driver with telescopic view. A primary level flasher and a IR telescope was used in this variant. Other noticeable improvements are,

  • TSh-2A-22 telescope
  • New improved R-113 radio
  • Multi-stage air filter for the engine
  • Electric oil pump
  • Automated fire extinguisher

T-54A is the first tank in the series to get underwater operation capabilities. The tank was installed with a OPVT wading snorkel. Diesel engines require air to breath. But, when the tank is submerged the engine does not have sufficient amount of air to complete internal combustion. The wading snorkel is carried in the rear wood logs carrying compartment. It was installed manually by the crew when the tank is about to reach underwater.

R113 Radio

R113 Radio

T54-B Tank

In 1955 T-54A was developed into T54B with the D-10T replaced with 100mm D-10T2S. The vertical stabilizer “Gorizont” used in T-54A was replaced with STP-2 2-plane stabilizer. The overall night vision capabilities of the tank crew was improved with a newly added L-2 Luna IR searchlight and a TPN-1 range gunners sight with IR scanning.

T54-B production was started in 1957 and was the last variant of T54 tank range.

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The requirement of T55 Tank

With the global super powers developing nuclear weapons and the Germans using chemical weaponry in Russian territory during the WWII, the concern was increased to develop main battle tanks with the ability withstand such attacks.  T54 was a modern and highly capable tank. With a great mobility and underwater capabilities it was unbeatable in the battlefield.

But, T54 was no match for serious nuclear, biological and chemical hazards. T54 was actually checked in the Soviet nuclear testing grounds. It was able to survive 15 kilo ton nuclear bomb blast while staying in a distance of 300m from the epicenter of the blast. But, the crew did not survived at 300m distance.

T55 Tank

T55 Tank

So, development of better NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) response system was proposed for the T54 tank. The proposed system was expected to provide rapid response against NBC attacks with a response time less than 300 mill seconds.

What is new in T55 Tank?

  • Protivoatomnaya Zashchita NBC protection system
  • V-55 12-cylinder four stroke engine
  • 38.88 liter engine capacity output 581 hp
  • Electric fuel pumps increase the pressure of fuel delivery and provide a better power
  • Ak-150S charger and Electric starter system
  • New 300L additional fuel tanks
  • T54/55 General specifications

  • Since, many different variants were developed it is difficult to define a specific weight or power for T54/55 tank. But, let’s see in general what the specifications are.
  • T55 tank weighted 36 metric tons. Considering the dimensions, the tank is 9m long, 3.4 m wide and 2.4 meters tall.The ground clearance of the tank was 0.425m.
  • The tank was manned by four crew members which are tank commander, driver, gunner and loader.
  • African Union T55 Tank

    African Union T55 Tank (CC License)

  • T55 Power

  •  T55 tanks were powered with model V-55 V-12 engine. A water cooling system was used in this engine. An electric fuel pumping system was used to increase the fuel pressure in order to increase maximum power output. The initial T55 versions had a maximum power output of 500 hp or 373 kW. In later versions the engine was improved to provide a maximum power output up to 800hp.
  • In the initial version the power to weight ratio was 14.6 hp/t and it was increased up to 22.22 hp/t in the later versions. A manual, mechanical synchromesh power transmission system with five forward gears and one reverse gear was used.
  • T55 fuel and range

  • The T55 engine use diesel fuel. In the internal storage T55 can carry 580 L of diesel and in the external tanks it can carry 320 L of diesel. The rear drums can also carry another additional 400 L of diesel.
  • With the 580 L of internal fuel T55 can operate in a 325 km range on unpaved roads. With the external tanks carrying additional fuel the range is extended to 610 km.
  • The maximum movement speed on road is 51 km/h.
  • T55 armament

  • As the main armament a D-10T 100mm rifled gun was used in the T54/55 tanks. In T55 a fume extractor was used to filter airborne particles. T54 was only able to carry 34 ammo rounds. T55 can carry 43 rounds of ammunition which include high explosive fragmentation ammo and anti-tank armour piercing ammo. 18 out of 45 rounds were stored in wet containers which are located in the hull fuel tanks.
  • dhsk HMG used in t55

    dhsk HMG used in t55

  • The secondary armament was a 7.62 mm SGMT coaxial machine gun or a 1.7 mm DShK heavy machine gun.
  • SGMT Machine gun used in T55

    SGMT Machine gun used in T55

  • T55 Armour

  • Turret front is the most vulnerable place to take damage from enemy rounds. So, the turret front was equipped with heavy metal sheets with a thickness of 205 mm. Turret sides has 130mm armour plates. Hull front is angled at 60 degrees and the armour thickness is 120mm. The lowest armour thickness can be seen in hull bottom and lower sides of the hull.
  • T54/55 Tank armour

    T54/55 Tank armour

  • T54/55 Tank production history

  • T54/55 tanks were designed by the original designers from 1945 to 1958. However, after 1958 up to today many modifications were done by third parties. Soviet union manufactured T54/55 tanks from 1946 to 1981 in Kharkov Locomotive Factory, Ukrain and Uralvagonzavod factory in Russia. In the same era T54/55’s were manufactured in Poland and Czechoslovakia (Modern Czech republic and Slovakia)
  • The original designer of T54 tank was Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau. After the T54A UralVagonZavod started the design process.
  • T-90 Tanks in modern UralVagonZavod facility

    T-90 Tanks in modern UralVagonZavod facility

  • T54/55 in modern Gaming culture

  • T54/55 tanks fought all the major battles which occurred after the WWII. So, these tanks appear in many games as playable vehicles and sometimes as AI controlled vehicles. World of tanks and War thunder like games allow the players to control the T54 and T55 tanks.
  • T54/55 Tank in games

    T54/55 Tank in games

    Summery – T54/55 Tanks

  • T54/55 was the most popular tank in the history of war tanks. With more than 100,000 units produced T54/55 tanks served for many armies and many nations. Started the development in 1945, after 75 years, still some T55 tanks are in service with many advance modifications. T55 tank was equipped with modern military capabilities such as underwater operations, IR night vision, anti-aircraft capabilities and NBC response system.
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KV 1 S

What is this KV 1 S?

KV 1 S is a Medium tank built by the Soviet Union during the Second World War period. Here is a descriptive report about this amazing beast.

KV 1 S

This tank is a part of the famous KV series. This KV series got that name from a late Soviet commissar. His name was Kliment Voroshilov. They named this series after his name in honor of his memory. He was a great war leader in the Soviet Union.

KV 1 S



As you already know, this tank was built by the Soviet Union. And they built this as a heavy tank and it came under the 2nd rank. This tank had a unique battle rating. And this battle rating came under the category of AB/RB/SB.

General details


When we talk about the general details of the tank KV 1 S, those details can come under several categories. They are the armor, the crew details, and the visibility. Firstly, let us take the armor.

KV 1 S



When we take the thickness of the armor it was between 20mm and 82mm. If we take it in inches, it is about 0.79 inches to 3.2 inches. And let us take a look at the thickness of the armor under two topics. The hull armor and the turret armor.

The hull armor

On the front, it was 75 mm thick and, on the side, it was 60 mm. When we talk about the back of the hull armor, it was 60 mm thick.

The turret armor

If we take the thickness of the back of the turret into consideration, it was around 82 mm thick. And the front thickness of the turret was about 82 mm and the side of the turret was also 82 mm thick.

The crew

The crew of the tank KV 1 S has consisted of five members. They are, accordingly,

  • The commander
  • The gunner
  • The radio operator
  • The driver
  • The loader

The visibility

When we take the visibility of the tank KV 1 S into consideration, it was on the losing side. Like, it had a visibility level of 96%. So, it was pretty risky on the field.


Let us see some of the special characteristics of the KV 1 S. We can elaborate it under several categories. They are firepower, mobility, survivability, and spotting. Let us see them one by one.

KV 1 S


Ammo capacity 135 pcs
Armor penetration 86 mm / 102 mm / 38 mm
Aiming time 2.30 seconds
Rate of fire 14.29 rounds per minute
Dispersion (at 100 m) 0.38 m
Damage 110 hp / 110 hp / 156 hp
Damage per minute 1 571 HP per minute


So, it is obvious that the overall firepower performance of KV 1 S was at a good level.


This is a must-look factor in this amazing tank. And we can talk about the mobility of the KV 1 S in several sections. It is power, speed, and weight. Let us take a look.


The weight and the load limit of the tank KV 1 S were like this. It was about 43.08 tons weight and the maximum load limit was about 45.40 tons.


The power of the KV 1 S also can be categorized under two factors. It is engine power and specific power. The engine power of the KV 1 S was about 500 HP and the specific power of the tank was about 11.61 horsepower per ton.


The speed of the KV 1 S also can be categorized under three factors. It is the top speed, the traverse speed, and finally the turret traverse speed. Let us take a look at the table.

Top speed 43 kilometers per hour
Traverse speed 28 degrees per second
Turret traverse speed 28 degrees per second



Now let us take a look at the survivability of this tank. It can also view under several categories.

Hit points 920 HP
Hull armor 75 mm / 60 mm / 60 mm
Turret armor 82 mm / 75 mm / 75 mm
Suspension repair time 12.03 s



Last but not least, is the spotting of the tank. There is not much to talk about the spotting of the tank KV 1 S. The view range of the tank was 320 m and the signal range of the tank was about 325 m.

KV 1 S


Let us take a look at the modules of the tank. Firstly, let us take a look at the guns.


Gun Damage (HP) Aiming time Weight
76 mm ZiS-5 110 / 110 / 156 2.3 seconds 1155 kg
122 mm Howitzer S-41 450 / 370 / 156 2.9 seconds 1600 kg
85 mm S-31M 160 / 160 / 280 2.5 seconds 1500 kg



There are two engines in the KV 1 S. The V-2IS engine and the V-2K engine. They have 600 hp and 500 hp respectively. And both engines weighed 750 kg.


There were three radios. Let us take an overall look at those three radios.

Radio Signal range Weight
9R 325 m 80 kg
10R 360 m 100 kg
10RK 440 m 100 kg
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T 44

What is T 44?

This T 44 is a medium tank. This was used at the final stages of the second world war. And the production also happened during the same period. This tank was designed, built, and manufactured by the Soviet Union. And a special fact about this tank is that it was built as the descendant of another soviet giant, the T-34.

T 44


The history of the T 44 can be discussed under three categories. The service history and the production history and the development history. Let us take a look.

The production history

This T 44 tank took a year to design. The dates are recorded as 1943 to 1944. And this tank was designed by a famous and talented soviet designer, Alexander Aleksandrovich Morozov.

The designer

He designed many of the tanks that were owned by the Soviet Union. And he played many roles in the Soviet Union at the time. He was a designer, an engineer, a general, and a doctor. he was a doctor of Technical Sciences.

T 44

Designer of the T 44 tank


After a year of designing, they handed this project to a company named Factory No. 75, Kharkiv. It was the manufacturing company for this amazing Soviet tank. They produced these tanks from 1944 to 1947. And the number of produced tanks is recorded as one thousand and eight hundred twenty-three.


There were several variants for this tank. And almost all of them are pretty much legendary. T-44-100 and T-44-122 are one of the bests.

The service history

This tank has a long period of service history. This is one of the tanks with the longest service history. This was used nearly for two decades. The Soviet Union used these tanks from 1944 to the mid of 1960s. and the remarkable point of the service history of T 44 is the Hungarian Revolution. This happened in 1956.

The Hungarian Revolution (1956)

This was the biggest revolution in Hungary. The people of the country rebelled against the government for their human rights. So, it was both crucial and brutal to use such powerful weapons.

The development history

As we already mentioned, this T 44 was the successor to the world-famous tank, T-34. But at first, they planned to build this as a variant of the T-34 and there were planning to name it as T-34M. but later they decided to change the original measure and plans completely. So, that is how T-34N became another original product as T 44.

T 44

General information

We can talk about the general information of T 44 under several categories. They are the armor, the crew, and the fuel capacity.

The armor

The armor of the T 44 can be examined under two categories. The hull armor and the turret armor.

The hull armor.

When we take the thickness of the hull armor, it is 90 mm thick from the front. And the sides also are 90 mm thick. And the back hull armor of the T 44 was about 30 mm thick.

The turret armor.

And when we talk about the thickness of the turret armor, it was of great measure. The front turret armor was about 120 mm thick and the sides were about 90 mm thick. As same as the sides of the hull armor. Finally, the back of the turret armor was about 75 mm.

The crew

Thew of the T 44 has consisted of 4 members. They were the commander, the gunner, the driver, and the radioman.


The fuel capacity of the internal tank was 500 liters and the external fuel tank capacity was 150 liters. And that amount was much needed to this beast.

Modules and consumables

When we talk about the modules and consumables, we can talk about the guns, the engines, the suspensions, and the radios. Let us see.

T 44


There are 5 guns in T 44. Let’s talk about the main three guns.

85 mm D5T-85BM

This gun had a penetration of 144/194/44 mm. And the damage caused by this gun was 180/180/300 HP powerful. And the rate of fire was 10.71 rounds per minute and the aiming time was 2.9 seconds. And the weight of this gun was 1859kg.

100 mm D10T

This gun had a penetration of 175/235/50 mm. And the damage caused by this gun was 250/250/330 HP powerful. And the rate of fire was 6.59 rounds per minute and the aiming time was 2.9 seconds. And the weight of this gun was 2257kg.

85 mm ZiS-S-53

This gun had a penetration of 126/167/43 mm. And the damage caused by this gun was 160/160/280 HP powerful. And the rate of fire was 12.77 rounds per minute and the aiming time was 2.9 seconds. And the weight of this gun was 1550kg.


There were three engines. Let’s take an overall look.

Engine Engine power (hp) Weight (kg)
V-2-44 560 750
V-2-54 620 700
V-54-6 760 700



There were two types of suspensions. One was a VII tier one and another one was a VIII one. Let’s look at them accordingly.


This is the tier VII one. It had a load limit of 33 tons. And the traverse speed of that was 42 gr/sec. that is about it and let’s hop into the second one.


This is the second type of suspension and this is the VIII tier one. This had a load limit of 35.3 tons and the traverse speed was 44 gr/sec.

T 44


There were three radio types. Let’s take a look.

Radio Signal range Weight
9RM 525 m 100 kg
R-113 730 m 80 kg


So, it is all about this Soviet Medium Machine. Visit our website for more details on all the types of war tanks at this link – https://wartankers.com/.

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What is this KV2?

The extended name of the KV 2 is Kliment Voroshilov 2. This KV 2 or the Kliment Voroshilov 2 is a tank series produced by the Soviet Union.


How did it get the name ‘Kliment Vororshilov’?

Kliment Voroshilov was a Soviet politician and a commissar of Soviet defense. He operated with the red army during the period of the second world war. So, these tanks were named after him because of his great service.


The place of origin of these tanks is the Soviet Union. And they produced this KV 2 as heavy tanks. As heavy assaulting tanks.


The history of KV 2 can be divided into two parts. As the service history and the production history. Let us take a look.


The production history

Usually, war tanks take so much time to design and produce. But this KV2 took just one year to complete the designing and production procedure. They built this beast from 1938 to 1939. And the brain behind this design was Zhozef Kotin.

Manufacturer and the variants

There were two manufacturing companies. Manufacturers were a factory called Kirov Factory and another company named ChTZ.


There were five variants of the KV family including this KV 2. They are,

  • KV 122
  • KV 8
  • KV 2
  • KV 1S
  • KV 85


When we talk about the type of armor, it was a homogeneous one. And it was a rolled one. Let us take a look at the hull armor and the turret armor separately.


The hull armor

The sides of the hull armor were 75 mm thick and the roof was about 30 mm – 33 mm thick. Now let us see the thickness of the front and rear hull armor.

Front hull armor

Front plate 75 mm
Joint plate 25 mm
Lower glacis 75 mm
Front glacis 70 mm


Rear hull armor

Top 60 mm
Bottom 70 mm


The firepower of KV2

We can talk about the firepower of KV 2 under so many categories. They are, damage, ammo capacity, aiming time, rate of fire, dispersion (at 100 m), armor penetration, and damage per minute. Let us take a look.

Damage 450 hp / 370 hp
Ammo capacity 95 pcs
Aiming time 2.90s
Rate of fire 5.45 rounds per minute
Dispersion (at 100 m) 0.57 m
Armor penetration 61 mm / 140 mm
Damage per minute 2 454 hp per minute



When we talk about the mobility of KV 2, we have a good number of details to pay attention to. Let us see. The first thing we have to discuss is the load limit

Load limit

The load limit of KV2 as a range. It lies between 51.16 tons and 56.80 tons. So, it varies. As a heavy war tank, it should have the capability of bearing at least more than 50 tons. So, this is a fair deal. The next detail is the engine power of the tank.

Engine power

Engine power of KV2 is at a good rate. We all can agree with that. It has an engine power of 500 horsepower. And when we take the specific power of the tank, it has a rate of 9.77 horsepower. So, as a whole, this is not bad.


The next big thing about the mobility of the KV2 is its, speed. For a heavy tank, its speed was awesome. The KV2 tank had a top speed of 35 km per hour. And when we talk about the traverse speed it was about 16 deg / s and the turret traverse speed was about 14 deg / s.


Role of KV2 in the gaming world

Let us look at the max speed, power-to-weight ratio, and the engine power of KV 2 in the game.

Max speed

Game mode Max speed
Reverse Forward
Realistic 7 km per hour 35 km per hour
Arcade 7 km per hour 37 km per hour


Power-to-weight ratio

Game mode Power to weight
Upgraded Stock
Realistic 11:45 hp / ton 10.13
Arcade 21:85 hp / ton 14.79


Engine power

Game mode Engine power
Upgraded Stock
Realistic 600 hp 775 hp
Arcade 1145 hp 531 hp



Even though the above-mentioned factors changed from one another in the arcade and realistic modes, the weight remains the same. Both modes have a weight limit of tons.

Performance of KV2 in the game

Unlike most tanks, this KV2 remains a long time in the game. But if you want to hide, this is not a good tank for it. Cause it has a visibility level of 156%. So, it is so risky. Almost everyone can see this tank from a long distance. So, you have to move this from place to place. but the survivability is so high in this truck. This means that even though you were spotted at a point, you can still survive with your shooting abilities. So, no worries.

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T 34 85

What is this T 34 85?

Many believe that this T 34 85 is the best tank that has ever been built on this earth. There are so many reasons to believe it so. Let us take a look.

T 34 85


This was built as a medium tank. And this was built by the Soviet Union. So, this is a Soviet tank. The year of origin is recorded as 1940. Unable to find exact month and date reports.


The most iconic part of this T 34 85 is its tank gun. It was the most powerful gun in a tank at that time. It was a 76.2 mm gun. Many think that if a tank is the heaviest or the fastest, it is the best one. But it is not. T 34 85 is the best proof of that. Couse this tank is neither the fastest nor the heaviest. So let us take a look at the building.


The most important part of its build is the armor. It has a very inclined armor and can protect you from so many anti-tank weapons. This armor was angled at 60 degrees. The look of this tank goes similar to the tank M1928. Designers of T 34 85 took the initiative from that tank.

What is M1928?

M1928 was a failure as a tank. They could not continue the project due to some reasons. So, they stopped building tanks and started to give them turret-less trucks. They gave those to the red army. And for the sake of records, they recorded them as farm tractors.

Service of the tank T 34 85

They were building this tank for the sake of WWII. And they planned to send these T 34 85 tanks to the eastern front of the United States army.

Was it good?

Yes, it was good. Even the enemies called it “the finest tank in the world”. This was said by a general of the German army. And his name was Paul Ludwig Ewald. They said that this T 34 85 could destroy so many of their armies. And it did not get a scratch. So, it was a good tank indeed.

Special facts about T 34 – 85

This was the most produced tank in the world. Now and then. And also, it has the record for most lost tanks ever. These T 34 85 tanks were lost in large numbers during the wars. And the recorded number was 44 900 tanks.


This T 34 85 is a part of a famous tank series. A-32 and A-20 are some famous tanks of that series. But all of those tanks had several issues. At least there was one. So, the builders needed perfection. That is how the T 34 85 came out.

T 34 85

Design and layout

The armor was a well-inclined one. The first-ever version of this tank had a very powerful gun. That gun was called the T 34/76. And this tank can be compared with another powerful tank named M4 Sherman. Both of these tanks were not limited to one nation. At first, it was limited to soviet armies. But later both nations could have this amazing beast.

Specifications of the tank

We can examine this tank through several sections. Let us take a look. And there were several models of this tank too. Let us take the latest version and 1943 one.

Specification 1934 version T 34 – 85
Weight 30.9 tons to 34.1 tons 32 tons to 35 tons
Gun 76.2 mm F-34 85 mm
Ammunition 100 rounds 60 rounds



The fuel quantity of the T 34 85 was 556 liters to 935 liters and the 1943 version had a fuel capacity of 610 liters.


The ammunition of T 34 85 was 60 rounds. And the ammunition of the 1943 version was 100 rounds.

T 34 85


Let us compare this detail with other tanks from the T series.

Tank version Armor thickness range
T 34 – 85 20 mm to 90 mm
1943 version 20 mm to 70 mm
1942 version 20 mm to 65 mm
1941 version 20 mm to 52 mm
1940 version 15 mm to 45 mm


The cost

The cost was insane. 1943 version cost about 135 000 rubles and the T 34 85 cost 164 000 rubles.

The fire-power

The fire powers of the tank T 34 85 were amazing. it was capable to penetrate any German tank that came across the beast. Even the Panzer lll could not resist. They had to change their entire armor against this soviet beast.


The speed of T 34 85 was 34 miles per hour. And the road range was 194 miles.

Cool fact about T 34 85

Many of these mass-built tanks are still in use. And they are in very good condition too. and it is even after they showed their colors in the war zones too.

T 34 85


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Object 257

What is the Object 257?

The Object 257 is a tier 9 heavy tank from the Soviet Union.

Object 257

Object 257


IS-7 was a heavy tank development project that began in 1945. An electromechanical transmission was meant to be included in the car. At the documentation design stage, development was halted. Only existed in blueprints. The IS-7 is reached via Object 257.

Birth of Object 257

The IS-7 (Object 260) is one of the most well-known Soviet tanks, owing to its immense size and weight, which puts it on the level with the Tiger II. Few people are aware of its extensive and complicated development process, which included several years of effort and prototypes, with a total of seven IS-7 prototypes. Object 257, a bridge between the failed IS-6 and the renowned IS-7, was one of them.

Design and built

Many aspects of the IS-6 program were incorporated in Object 257. The Object 252U provided the turret and pike nose, while the Object 253 provided the engine and transmission. However, a stronger defense was one of the key goals of the Object 257 project.

Object 257

Object 257

Differences between previous models and Object 257

The pike nose

The pike nose, which was also implemented on the side of the hull, followed the same approach. From the front and back, the previously flat hull sides were now curved inwards at an extreme angle, forming a diamond shape appearance. On the negative, this resulted in major internal issues.

Torsion bars

Torsion bars could no longer be employed since the hull was too narrow, thus the suspension had to be relocated to the outside of the hull. Four volute springs were fitted on each axle for suspension, with two wheels per bogie, very similar to the American M4 Sherman.


The turret was heptagonal and low-profile, just like the one on the Object 252U. The gunner was seated to the left of the gun, with the commander behind him, on the inside. To the right of the gun, there was a loader. The shooter could also fire a coaxial machine gun that was positioned to the right of the cannon.


The vehicle’s pike-like front end limited the amount of room available to the driver. The driver had an entry and escape hatch on top of him. Through a long arm, the gunner and commander may sit on chairs mounted to the floor.

Object 257


The pike nose was 150 mm thick and inclined at 28 degrees from the side. The lower hull, on the other hand, was brand new. Instead of flat plates, like on the IS-6, the plates were inclined inwards, creating a pike nose impression.

The tops were 150 mm (6 inches) thick and 30° angled. The bottom plates were 85 mm thick (3.3 inches) and inclined at a 230 angle. The thickness of the hull was not maintained to the bottom. The armor was thinned to only 20 mm (0.8 inches) halfway through but remained at the same angle.

Resistance of the armor

The improved side armor was impregnable to the German 105 mm Flak 39 gun, and the front armor was so thick that even the BL-13-1 gun couldn’t pierce it at point-blank range. The turret armor was very thick. The sides were 150 mm (6 inches) thick and angled at 45 degrees. The hull weight increased to 23 tonnes (25.3 tonnes) from 21 tonnes in the IS-6 (23 tonnes).


Because of the limited space in the hull, the suspension had to be relocated to the exterior. A bogie with four volute springs per wheel was employed, which was unusual. The bogie had arms on both sides and the wheels were situated on opposing sides.


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Object 140

Object 140 (The Obiekt 140)

Object 140


The Obiekt 140, also known as the Object 140, was a prototype medium tank. This was not a heavy tank as the Object 227.

Location of the origin

This was designed at Nizhny Tagil, Russia from 1953 to 1958 to replace the T-54 medium tank.


After two prototypes were produced, they canceled the project.

Why did they cancel the project?

It was shelved in 1958 in favor of the Object 430 Project, which would eventually become the T-64. The T-55 and T-62 designs would include some characteristics from the Object 140 design.


A young engineer, Leonid N. Kartsev, was the head of the OKB-520 design bureau of the Uralvagonzavod factory (UVZ) in Nizhny Tagil during the time Morozov was working on his Object 430 tank. He was in charge of the T-54A (Object 137G) and T-54B (Object 137G2) T-54 main battle tank modernizations.

Object 140

Object 140

How did it turn to build up the Object 140?

After the T-54M (Object 139) modernization project was shelved, he and his design team began work on the Object 140, a new tank.

Design and production

Built of the tank

The new tank was equipped with a suspension system and six aluminum road wheels. The turret was cast and fitted with a Molniya two-plane stabilization system and a 100 mm D-54TS tank gun.


The tank had 50 rounds in it. Ivan Trashutin, the legendary V-2 diesel engine’s chief designer, refused to modify the engine to the required 580hp specification, so Kartsev turned to Evgeny Artiemejev, the chief designer of the Barnaul engine plant. The factory produced V-series engines for agricultural and other home uses. Artiemejev was enthusiastic about the concept and agreed to work on the 580hp version.

Object 140

Was it worked well?

No. cause the weight of the earliest prototypes was 36.5 tons, a half-ton over the original standard.

How did they overcome it?

Kartsev chose to concentrate on his weight rather than hide it behind paperwork (a usual procedure among designers of the era). Aluminum roadwheels and an aluminum engine cover, among other minor changes, were introduced to combat this.

What were the changes they made?

The engine was turned on its side and lowered to the hull’s bottom, lowering the engine compartment’s height but requiring more engine modifications and complicating maintenance.

When did they launch the Object 140 for the first time?

Uralvagonzavod constructed two Object 140 prototypes in 1957 and quickly submitted them to the test.

Why did they terminate Object 140?

During assembly and factory tests, Kartsev became increasingly aware that the tank was unjustifiably complicated, difficult to operate, and repair, according to his recollections.

Reasons for terminating the Object 140

Only one plant in the Soviet Union was capable of casting some of the required plates, and certain engine compartment pieces were not serially producible at all. Kartsev recalls that his engineers had to install exhaust collectors from a hatch underneath the tank using a dentist mirror.

Terminating the launching of Object 140

After a few sleepless nights, Kartsev resolved to write his letter to the Central Committee, requesting the project’s discontinuation. To his astonishment, he was not only agreed but also not penalized for spending 16 million rubles in public funds on the project.

Object 140

Was it the end of the whole Object 140?

No. While still feeling moral remorse over his failure, he began work on the T-55 (Object 155) main combat tank, which contained one of his Object 140 tank’s important innovations.

How did Kartsev manage to keep the remains of the Object 140?

The upper fuel tanks were fitted with mounts for tank gun ammunition. This boosted the tank’s ammo capacity to 45 rounds. The T-72 tank received the aluminum roadwheels later.

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Object 277

The Soviet experimental tank – Object 277

Object 277

Object 277


This tank was built in 1957. Some reports say that this tank was built somewhere between 1956 and 1958.

Place of origin

This was built in a Kirov plant which was located in Leningrad.


They built this tank under Joseph Kotin’s supervision.

Joseph Kotin

Joseph Kotin – Designer of Object 277

Type of the tank

And this was a Soviet experimental heavy tank.


This was also a prototype as same as the IS-7. So, it was not used. Even though the tank was heavily built, they did not use it in the war.

Main issues of the tank Object 277

The first and the main issue was the long gun barrel. Commanders thought that this barrel could cause more damage to their other tanks rather than damage enemies. Another issue was the weight. It was 5 tonnes over than the estimated weight.

History of the tank

They built two similar prototypes. And they went undertrials from 1959 to 1960. The first trial took place from 7th January 1959 to 26 February 1960.

Was Object 277 used in the war?

No, they discontinued the further developments to the tank.

Why did they discontinue the building of the tank?

The main reason was the lack of resources. So, some of the main systems and components were incomplete.

End of the Object 277

In 1960 they marked the end of the heavy tank Object 277. This was not only the end of this tank. But also, the end of the line of Soviet heavy tanks.



  • Gun – 130 mm M-65 (26 shots)
  • Machine gun – caliber (250 shots)


M-850 with 950 – 1000 hp


Object 277 with a load limit of 60



Built of the tank

It weighs 55 tons and the overall dimension was 10150 x 3380 x 2500 mm (length x width x height).

Object 277

Side profile of the object 277

Water barriers

The depth of the water barrier was 1.2 meters.


This tank has a V-shaped chassis with a 12-cylinder engine, an ejection cooling system, and a drive centrifugal supercharger. And this includes a transmission mechanical planetary too.


The first, second, and eighth suspensions are installed with beam shock absorbers and suspension torsion beams.

Design of the tank

the base of the tank was special. We can see a similarity between the Object 277 and IS-7 and the T-10 tanks. All of them used separate design decisions.

Overall layout

There was not much of a special design to the tank. It was the traditional design of a war tank.


The body of the tank is well welded. The thickness is varying according to the sides and the bends.

Armor protection

  • Forehead hull – 120mm
  • Turret forehead – 290mm


For the overall performance, we can say that Object 277 is a great evolution from the famous T-10.


55 km/h

Is this similar to Object 907?

This is comparably bouncier than Object 907 when we take the V-shaped sides and round cast glacis into consideration.

Basic profile

The face of this tank is somewhat sturdy looking. And the roof is much thicker than other tanks.

Object 277

Object 277

Object 277 as a fighter

If it were ever taken into the war, Object 277 could have a key position in the war. It has good coordination which can cause alpha damage to its opponents. So this is a leading tank.

Object 277 in the field

It can act as a flanker in the field. Cause it can easily agile on hard grounds. This would be the only tank in the urban brawling maps if it had the chance.


This is much more accurate than many other tanks. Especially when compared with the WZ-11 5A. the gun handling, mobility and penetration are much better in Object 277.


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The IS-7 Tank: Everything You Need To Know About The Soviet Beast.

IS-7 the heavy tank

The IS-7 is a heavy tank that became famous with its project name Object 260. This became famous as the ‘war thunder’. The development of this tank was begun in 1945 and this is a Soviet tank. But this was canceled and replaced by the T-10 tank. So, this IS-7 has only existed as a prototype.

T 10 (IS10) Tank replacing IS-7

T 10 (IS10) Tank replacing IS-7

Production and design


This was firstly designed by Nikolai Fedorovich Shashmurin in Leningrad. And the designed year was 1945. This was 68 tonnes of weight and the armor was very thick.

Nikolai Fedorovich

Nikolai Fedorovich

Basic built of the tank

And it was ideally armed with the 130 mm long-barrelled gun, S-70. This is the largest and the heaviest member of the family, IS. Another thing is the heavy tank designs which are designed in advance.


They say the armor has the same design as the IS-3 has. Especially the pike nose on the upper glacis. The sporting 150mm of armor is inclined and 650.

The armor of this tank was specially designed as a defeater against the Jagdtiger’s 12,8 cm Pak 44. It was durable for the last 1km from the tank. For the lower glacis, they designed to put 100mm armor.

The IS-7 Tank

The IS-7 Tank

How the original design changed

But later the designer decided that it should be more than 100mm. So, they put 110mm – 120mm armor. And the thickness varied depending on the welding patterns.

The upper and the lower side armors varied from 150mm to 100mm accordingly. The inflatable bags were located behind the lower plate of the side. They hold the fuel.

The turret

The turret mantlet was the thickest part. It was 350mm thick. And the turret was between 240mm and 250mm. and it was angled between the degrees of 50 to 60.

IS 7 Turette

IS 7 Turret

The enormous angle that the pike nose offers when shot frontally results in a substantially increased risk of ricochet. Thus, armor protection could be boosted without needing to employ enormous amounts of materials.

The pike nose

The pike nose, on the other hand, would not have a relative thickness high enough to ricochet the shell if shot at a sideways angle. The inside of the tank has a “V” form from the front, allowing the side armor to be spaced.

Due to several hydraulic assistance, it was easy to drive despite its weight. The autoloader was straightforward to use and the IS-7 was comfortable, according to the loaders.


It also had a top speed of 60 km/h, courtesy of a 1050 horsepower diesel engine that gave it a power-to-weight ratio of 15.4 hp/tonne, which was better than most modern medium tanks.


Its armor was resistant to not just the Jagdtiger’s 12.8 cm PaK 44, but also it’s own 130 mm. The tank never made it to the manufacturing lines for unknown reasons, most likely due to significant complications stemming from its mass (bridges, rail transit – no Soviet/Russian tank admitted into service after that topped 55 t).


The 130 mm S-70 was a naval cannon converted to fire a 33 kilogram (73 pounds) armor-piercing projectile at 900 meters per second (3,000 feet per second).

Is-7 Gun in a Feild Gun

Is-7 Gun in a Feild Gun

The gun’s loading mechanism was a conveyor belt system with an aided loading mechanism. It could hold six ready rounds before needing to be replenished. The rounds were made up of two components: the shell and the propellant.

According to Nicholas Moran, the IS-7 had a large number of machine guns (eight) and would have lost five of them if it had gone into production.

Why did it never continue?

Despite being a superb breakthrough vehicle, the IS-7 was heavy, expensive, and overspecialized; the T-10, on the other hand, was better suited for longer conflicts and protracted warfare, as well as being easier and less expensive to transport. In February 1949, work on the IS-7 came to an end.

How it did on the tracks?

The IS-7’s tracks were designed specifically for it, but the IS series cars’ tracks were very similar. The track was the first in the Soviet Union to use single-pin rubber bushings held in place by bolts.

The IS-7 features seven road wheels that are coupled to torsion bars by road wheel arms and are limited by volute spring bump stops and hydraulic shock absorbers.

External fuel tanks might be carried in the back to extend the tank range.


This tank has its 3 more varients.

  • Object 261 – This is the self-propelled gun variant of the IS-7. It has a 152mm cannon at the back. There was only a wooden mockup made.
  • Object 262 – This is a front-mounted 152mm gun on a self-propelled gun version.
  • Object 263 – This is the IS-7 tank destroyer variant. A rear, semi-enclosed fighting compartment houses a 130mm S-70A cannon.

IS-7 in Popular gaming Culture

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